Growing with God: Journaling through the Fruits of the Spirit

Growing with God: Journaling through the Fruits of the Spirit


How do some people seem to know without the shadow of a doubt that they have attained saving faith? How will you know that you truly have a relationship that will lead to an eternal reward? If these are some of the questions that you have about your spiritual journey, this journal should be a great resource to help you answer those questions for yourself. Each day you are encouraged to write a short entry based on one of the writing prompts at the beginning of the week. If you don’t feel like answering those questions, write from your heart but be aware that this is not a personal journal rather a spiritual journal. It is a place for you to share your questions, observations, and thoughts about your relationship with God, your attempt to live like Christ, and the move of the Holy Spirit in your life. As you grow in Christ and your relationship strengthens, you should begin to observe some changes within yourself and in your relationships with others. The inward working of the Holy Spirit should manifest the fruits of the spirit within your life – love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

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