Growing with God: Journaling through the 23rd Psalm

Growing with God: Journaling through the 23rd Psalm


Some days it seems as if every force in the world is working against you. From the moment you wake up until you finally close your eyes at night, it feels as though you are in a constant state of war with the world and those around you. Wearing the whole armor of God is one of the ways that you can not only protect your mind and body from the chaos around you but most importantly, how you can protect your spirit. We are not called to conform to the ways of the world and to act as everyone else acts. Rather, we are called to be the examples of Christ-like living.If this is an area that you can be honest with yourself and admit that you struggle, this journal should be a great resource to help you defend yourself against the chaos in the world, not with your mouth or your fist, but with the armor of God. Each day you are encouraged to write a short entry based on one of the writing prompts at the beginning of the week. If you don’t feel like answering those questions, feel free to write from your heart but be aware that this is not a personal journal rather a spiritual journal. It is a place for you to share your questions, observations, and thoughts about your relationship with God, your attempt to live like Christ, and the move of the Holy Spirit in your life.As you grow with God and your relationship strengthens, you should begin to observe some changes within yourself and in your relationships with others.

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