How do you define success?
Let’s face it… being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. It requires a lot of sacrifice, an investment of time and financial resources along with a passion for some product/service. It is a little discouraging that it seems like we live in a time where people are shunned for not wanting to start a business. Everywhere you look, people are encouraging you to start a side hustle or to leave your job for the freedom of business ownership. As a business owner for almost 15 years, I understand people who are more comfortable with the security that a 9-5 job brings. This life is not for everyone.
Success should not be defined by your profession rather your satisfaction with the life you are living. Are you doing what you are purposed to be doing? Are you operating at the level your experience and education dictate? When we define success in these terms, many people start to envision where they know should be and what they want in life.
If you aren’t where you want to be in life, personally or professionally, there is no time like TODAY to begin making changes that will get you on track. Leaving your job or your spouse isn’t always the answer. Sometimes you have to take a step back and figure out what you really want from your life so that you can be fulfilled.
Dare to dream and imagine the life that you will wake up excited to live every day. Got the visual? Let’s create a plan to make it a reality.