3 Tips to Increase Daily Productivity
Plan your day the night before. Knowing what to expect from your day when you wake up will help you to start the day knowing what the best outfit to wear will be, how much time you will have for meals, who you need to communicate with, and so much more
Take a short break every two - three hours by standing up, drinking a glass of water, or stretching. Giving your mind a mental break from your tasks will keep you from getting overwhelmed and allow you to see your tasks with fresh ideas.
Allow flex time in the afternoon for unplanned activities. It never fails that something unexpected occurs in the midst of our day and throws everything off. What if you have time planned in your day to handle those types of activities. Rather than getting flustered when the incident comes up, you know that you have time to deal with it. Does it need immediate attention? You can use that afternoon time to finish what you are working on now.
Do you want to increase your productivity but don’t know where to start?